

Doctoral Defense of the Dissertation : Kisincher Job ANIYEKATTU

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Visit of the Holy Spirit -
A Theological Evaluation of the Contemporary Pneumatic Phenomenon in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Syro-Malabar Church

Quand? 18.12.2019 17:15
Où? MIS 01 1226 Senat
Avenue de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg
Intervenants The examination jury is composed of :
Prof. Gilles Emery, President (representative of the Dean)
Prof. Barbara Hallensleben, 1st Expert
Prof. George Augustin, Vallendar/D, 2nd Expert
Prof. François-Xavier Amherdt, Assessor
Prof. Thomas Schumacher, Assessor
Contact Décanat Faculté de théologie
Eveline Jungo
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