

The Autonomy of EU law in EU External Relations

Ouvert au grand public Conférence

The principle of autonomy is the outcome of judicial invention. It was read into primary law by the European Court of Justice in order to enable EU law to withstand challenges from national law. Since the early 1990s, however, an external dimension of the principle has emerged clearly and, at times, forcefully. This is about protecting the distinct characteristics of the mature EU legal order from interferences originating beyond the Union. Autonomy is now associated with controversial episodes in the interactions between EU and international law (for instance, Mox Plant and Kadi and, more recently, Opinion 2/13). The lecture will explore this new life of the principle of autonomy. It will outline its development and will, then, focus on its more recent manifestation in the developing area of investment law.

Quand? 11.04.2019 17:15 - 19:00
Où? MIS 04 salle Jäggi (MIS 4112)
Avenue de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg
Intervenants Prof. Panos Koutrakos, City, University of London
Contact Chaire de droit international public et de droit européen
Lorna Loup
Av. Beauregard 11
1700 Fribourg
026 300 8114 11
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