Agenda de la Faculté 


Doctoral Defense of the Dissertation Zachary FISCHER

Académique ou spécialiste Soutenance de mémoire/thèse

Doctoral Defense of the Dissertation (PhD in theological Studies)

Preparing the Way for a Theological Theology:
The Development and Explication of John Webster’s
Central Theological Principles

(on condition of acceptance by the Faculty Council and taking into account
the development of COVID19)

Quand? 12.06.2020 14:15
Où? MIS 01 Salle du Sénat (1226)
Avenue de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg
Intervenants The examination jury is composed of :
Prof. Mariano Delgado President, Dean
Prof. Barbara Hallenslebe, 1st Expert
Prof. Gilles Emery, 2nd Expert
Prof. Michael Sherwin, Assessor
Dr. Darren Sarisky, Australien Catholic University, Assessor
Contact Décanat Faculté de théologie
Eveline Jungo
Pièces jointes
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