• Dr. Laura Massera


    Publications dans des revues à comité de lecture:

    Massera, L. (2014): Under which mood and deal proneness conditions do price promotions really lead to high purchase intention? (text complet), dans: Bigné, E. (Ed.): Paradigm Shifts & Interactions, Proceedings of the 43th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, conjointement avec S. Bambauer-Sachse.


    Bambauer-Sachse. Massera, L. (2015): Interaction effects of different price claims and contextual factors on consumers' reference price adaptation after exposure to a price promotion, dans: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 27, p. 63-73, conjointement avec S. Bambauer-Sachse.


    Massera, L. (2018): Which effects do price promotions have on purchase intentions in post-promotion periods and what role do reductions of consumers' reference price and willingness to pay play in this context?, dans: Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice, Vol. 72, p. 126-145, conjointement avec S. Bambauer-Sachse.


    Publications dans des livres édités:

    Massera, L. (2013): Reference price reduction through repeated contacts with price promotions – the role of the saving format (Extended Abstract), dans: Kubacki, K. (Ed.): Ideas in Marketing: Finding the New and Polishing the Old, Springer, p. 529-532, conjointement avec S. Bambauer-Sachse.


    Massera, L. (2016): In Which Conditions Do Price Promotions Have the Most Negative Effects on Product Attitudes? A Structured Abstract, dans: Kim, K. K. (Ed.): Celebrating America’s Pastimes: Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Marketing?: Proceedings of the 2015 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, Springer, p. 777-782, conjointement avec S. Bambauer-Sachse.


    Massera, L. (2016): Effects of Price Promotions on Consumers’ Reference Prices: The Role of Contextual Factors and Price Claims, dans: Petruzzellis, L., Winer, R. S. (Ed.): Rediscovering the Essentiality of Marketing: Proceedings of the 2015 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress, Springer, p. 557-562, conjointement avec S. Bambauer-Sachse.


    Massera, L. (2017): Which Proportion of Their Reference Price Are Consumers Willing to Pay in Specific Pay-What-You-Want Conditions? An Extended Abstract, dans: Stieler, M. (Ed.): Creating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends: Proceedings of the 2016 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, Springer, p. 643-647, conjointement avec S. Bambauer-Sachse.


    Massera, L. (2017): Effects of promotion type on future purchase intentions through different types of consumer response: A structured abstract, dans: Rossi, P. (Ed.): Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics: Proceedings of the 2016 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress, Springer, p. 555-560, conjointement avec S. Bambauer-Sachse.


    Massera, L. (2018): Short- and Long-Term Consumer Reactions to Promotions: An Abstract (1-page abstract), dans: Krey N., Rossi P. (Ed.): Back to the Future: Using Marketing Basics to Provide Customer Value. AMSAC 2017. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. Springer International Publishing, pp. 201-202, conjointement avec S. Bambauer-Sachse.


    Principaux articles présentés lors de conférences (abstracts):

    Bambauer-Sachse, S./Massera, L.(2013): Reference price reduction through repeated contacts with price promotions – the role of the saving format, dans: AMS Conference “Ideas in Marketing: Finding the New and Polishing the Old” Book of Abstracts, présenté lors de l'AMS Annual Conference, Monterey/Etats-Unis, 05/13.


    Bambauer-Sachse, S./Massera, L. (2013): Effects of price promotions on consumer’s internal reference prices: the role of mood and need for cognition, présenté lors de la 20th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Philadelphia/Etats-Unis, 07/13.


    Bambauer-Sachse, S./Massera, L. (2014): Under which mood and deal proneness conditions do price promotions really lead to high purchase intention?, dans: Paradigm Shifts & Interactions, Proceedings of the 43th EMAC Conference, présenté lors de l'43th EMAC Conference, Valencia/Espagne, 06/14.


    Bambauer-Sachse, S./Massera, L. (2015): In Which Conditions Do Price Promotions Have the Most Negative Effects on Product Attitudes? (structured abstract), dans: AMS Conference “Celebrating America’s Pastimes: Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Marketing!?” Book of Abstracts, présenté lors de l'AMS Annual Conference, Denver/Etats-Unis, 05/15.


    Bambauer-Sachse, S./Massera, L. (2015): Effects of Price Promotions on Consumers’ Reference Prices: The Role of Contextual Factors and Price Claims, dans: AMS World Conference “Rediscovering the Essentiality of Marketing” Book of Abstracts, présenté lors de l'AMS World Conference, Bari/Italie, 07/15.


    Bambauer-Sachse, S./Massera, L. (2016): Which Proportion of Their Reference Price are Consumers Willing to Pay in Specific Pay-What-You-Want Conditions?, dans: AMS Annual Conference “Creating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends” Book of Abstracts, présenté lors de l'AMS Annual Conference, Lake Buena Vista/Etats-Unis, 05/16.


    Bambauer-Sachse, S./Massera L. (2016): Effects of Promotion Type on Future Purchase Intentions through Different Types of Consumer Response, dans: AMS World Marketing Congress “Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics” Book of Abstracts, présenté lors de l'AMS World Marketing Congress, Paris/France, 07/16.


    Bambauer-Sachse, S./Massera L. (2017): Short and Long-Term Consumer Reactions to Promotions, dans: AMS Annual Conference “Back to the Future: Using Marketing Basics to Provide Customer Value” Book of Abstracts, présenté lors de l'AMS Annual Conference, Coronado/Etats-Unis, 05/17.




    Title of presentation Location Date
    Reference price reduction through repeated contacts with price promotions – the role of the saving format AMS Annual Conference, Monterey/USA 05/2013
    Effects of price promotions on consumer’s internal reference prices: the role of mood and need for cognition EIRASS Conference, Philadelphia/USA 07/2013
    Under which mood and deal proneness conditions do price promotions really lead to high purchase intentions? EMAC Conference, Valence/Espagne 06/2014
    In Which Conditions Do Price Promotions Have the Most Negative Effects on Product Attitudes? AMS Annual Conference, Denver/USA 05/2015
    Effects of price promotions on consumers' reference prices: the role of contextual factors and price claims AMS World Conference, Bari/Italie 07/2015
    Which Proportion of Their Reference Price are Consumers Willing to Pay in Specific Pay-What-You-Want Conditions? AMS Annual Conference, Lake Buena Vista/USA 05/2016
    Effects of Promotion Type on Future Purchase Intentions through Different Types of Consumer Response AMS World Marketing Congress, Paris/France 07/2016
    Short and Long-Term Consumer Reactions to Promotions AMS Annual Conference, Coronado/USA 05/2017
    Défense de la thèse

    Avril 2018