

Workshop - Prof. Dr. Anne Heimo meets oral history researchers

As part of the national conference "Histoire orale et culture numérique / Oral History in der Digitalkultur" to be held at the University of Fribourg on the 6th November 2020, our keynote speaker, Prof. Dr. Anne Heimo, agreed to meet oral history researchers for an informal exchange (in English) on the evening before. If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please contact Prof. Anne-Françoise Praz before October the 15th:
Full program of the conference - including the workshop - in attachment.

Quand? 05.11.2020 17:30 - 19:00
Où? MIS 04 La salle sera communiquée par e-mail aux participant.e.s inscrit.e.s
Avenue de l'Europe 20
1700 Fribourg
Intervenants Dr. Anne Heimo, Professor of History, Oral History and Cultural Studies, University of Turku (Finland)
Contact Nadine Fink (HEP Vaud), Markus Furrer (PH Luzern), Anne-Françoise Praz (Université de Fribourg), Niels Rebetez (Université de Fribourg), Ismaël Zosso-Francolini,
Anne-Françoise Praz
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