Alphabetical list

Bacher Sven

Department of Biology
Prof.tit., Dr., group leader, applied ecology

Department of Biology
Prof.tit., PhD, Group Leader, Applied Ecology

Egger Boris August

Department of Biology
Head of Bioimage Core Facility Lecturer in Light...

Falquet Laurent

Department of Biology

Department of Biology
PhD, Group Leader, Platform Manager

Kozlowski Gregor

Department of Biology
Director of the Botanic Garden

Department of Biology

Kressler Dieter

Department of Biology
PhD, group leader, head of proteomics platform

Gulli Marie-Pierre

Department of Biology
PhD, Postdoc, technical collaborator, lecturer

Department of Biology

Reinhardt Didier

Department of Biology
Principle Investigator (PI); Radiosafety Officer;...

Ripperger Jürgen

Department of Biology
Group leader; molecular biologist; co-responable p...

Vanni Stefano

Department of Biology
SNSF Professor, ERC investigator

Weisskopf Laure

Department of Biology

Department of Biology
Professor, department president