S. Blanchoud publications 

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Jazwinska, A., & Blanchoud, S.. Towards deciphering variations of heart regeneration in fish. Current Opinion in Physiology. 14, 21–26. online




Blanchoud, S., Rinkevich, B., & Wilson, M. J. Whole-Body Regeneration in the Colonial Tunicate Botrylloides leachii. In Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation (pp. 337–355). Springer International Publishing. online

Blanchoud, S., Rutherford, K., Zondag, L., Gemmell, N. J., & Wilson, M. J. De novo draft assembly of the Botrylloides leachii genome provides further insight into tunicate evolution. Scientific Reports. 8(1). online




Blanchoud, S., Zondag, L., Lamare, M. D. & Wilson, M. J. Hematological Analysis of the Ascidian Botrylloides leachii (Savigny, 1816) During Whole-Body Regeneration. Biological Bulletin. 232, 143-157. online



Blanchoud, S., Nicolas, D., Zoller, B., Tidin, O. & Naef, F. CAST: An automated segmentation and tracking tool for the analysis of transcriptional kinetics from single-cell time-lapse recordings. Methods. 85, 3–11. online
Blanchoud, S., Busso, C., Naef, F. & Gönczy, P. Quantitative analysis and modeling probe polarity establishment in C. elegans embryos. Biophys. J.. 108, 799–809. online


von Tobel, L., Mikeladze-Dvali, T., Delattre, M., Balestra, F. R., Blanchoud, S., Finger, S., Knott, G., Müller-Reichert, T. & Gönczy, P. SAS-1 is a C2 domain protein critical for centriole integrity in C. elegans. PLoS Genet.. 10. online


Blanchoud, S., Budirahardja, Y., Naef, F. & Gönczy, P. ASSET: a robust algorithm for the automated segmentation and standardization of early Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. Dev. Dyn. an Off. Publ. Am. Assoc. Anat.. 239, 3285–96. online