ClimatePublished on 22.09.2019

Instagram Contest

Justin Rowlatt from BBC News during his interview to Greta Thunberg wonders: "Is individual action pointless in the face of climate change?" Some of us, despite of the difficulty of the task, do not think so and want to involve for the protection of the environment in their daily life. The Department of Biology would like to have a clear picture and make visible all individual actions taken by her/his members.

How it works? 

The Department of Biology would like to promote our Green Faculty movement and organizes a picture contest on Instagram. If you like to join, take a photograph highlighting your efforts to reduce garbage/protect the environment in laboratories, class rooms, or offices of the department, or in the field, and post the picture on Instagram under the hashtag #ReduceAtunifrbiology (without regards for upper or lower case). The pictures posted as part of the contest will be visible under the hashtag mentioned above, or on the web page

All students and members/employees of the Department of Biology, University of Fribourg are eligible to participate. Their post can be in english, german or french. 


The contest will last from September 23rd to October 17th 2019.


The photographers of the three best pictures, selected by a jury, will receive a prize.