Published on 27.11.2017

CPD Research Fellowship at Annenberg School

With her research project “Developing a 360-degree Integrated Public Diplomacy Evaluation Approach: Analysing Country Images from Stakeholder and Media Perspectives” Diana Ingenhoff was selected Research Fellow of the Center on Public Diplomacy(CPD) at Annenberg School, University of Southern California.

Her study aims to conceptualize and validate an integrated country image measurement instrument that is applicable to survey design studies as well as media content analysis, comparing and analyzing similarities and differences of the country image across varying countries and media outlets.For more information about the project, see project page.

The independent review committee honored the topic and the value of the project for both the academic and professional public diplomacy communities and elected Diana Ingenhoff for the term for 2017 to 2019. The research fellow homepage you can find here.

Each year since 2009, the Center on Public Diplomacy selects three non-resident fellows from a competitive pool of international applicants for a two-year term, to support and publicize outstanding work in the area of public diplomacy. For the announcement of the CPD Fellowship see the USC webpage

The USC Center on Public Diplomacy (CPD) was established in 2003 as a partnership between the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and the School of International Relations at the University of Southern California. It is a research, analysis and professional education organization with outstanding reputation dedicated to furthering the study and practice of global public engagement and cultural relations.

CPD is a recognized leader in the public diplomacy research and scholarship community and is the definitive go-to destination for practitioners and international leaders in public diplomacy, while pursuing an innovative research agenda designed to bridge the study-practice gap.

In 2008, USC received the Benjamin Franklin Award for Public Diplomacy from the U.S. State Department in recognition of the university's teaching, training and research in public diplomacy.