Marco Vespa

PhD in Classics (Classical Philology and Anthropology of the Ancient World) - University of Pisa - Siena and University of Nice (FR)


Marco Vespa is PhD in Classics and Research Fellow at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). He collaborates with the ERC international research group Locus ludion the ludic cultures of the ancient Greek and Roman world. In addition to the study of play in Antiquity, his research areas focus on the analysis of texts from the Greek scientific knowledge with particular interest in the ancient zoological tradition, especially Aristotle’s corpusand Aelian’s work. Furthermore, he also specializes in ancient Greek comic theatre, the Second Sophistic and the discursive traditions concerning etiological tales, with particular attention to the myth of Palamedes.

Research and publications

  • Peer-Reviewed Publications


    2021. Geloion mimēma: studi sulla rappresentazione culturale della scimmia nell'antichtà greca e greco-romana, Brepols, Turnhout, forthcoming.

    Peer-reviewed Articles in Scientific Journals:

    1. 2020 (with A. Zucker) "Imiter ou communiquer : l'intention du singe dans la littérature gréco-romaine", Mètis n.s. 18, accepted and forthcoming.
    2. 2019 "Ierocle Stoico, i castori e l'Egitto. L'etnozoologia e la ricerca filologica: un caso di studio", Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica CXII, s. IV, vol. XVII fasc. 2 (2019), pp. 273-294.
    3. 2019 “Rituale, spettacolo o gioco d'azzardo? Memorie del combattimento di galli in Grecia antica. Considerazioni linguistiche e antropologiche', in L. Floridi, L. Neri, Ch. Torre (ed.), Giochi e giocattoli: parole, oggetti e immaginarioEnthymema, XXIII (2019), pp. 434-460
    4. 2017 “A Voice whitout a Muse: Primates and the Ancient Phonosphere in Greek and Roman Cultures”, Greek and Roman Musical Studies(GRMS) 5.2, Brill Journals, pp. 159-177
    5. 2016 “Uomini e Animali nella Roma dei Severi”, Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica, N.s. 114, 2016 / 3, pp. 155-160.
    6. 2014 “Animali maestri: un sondaggio zooantropologico sul De natura animaliumdi Claudio Eliano”, Quaderni del Ramo d’Oro on-line, n. 6 2013 / 2014, pp. 130-160.

    Peer-reviewed Articles in Conference Proceedings

    1. 2020 "Presentifying the Divine in Ancient Greek Tales: Human Voices in Animal Bodies", in H. Schmalzgruber (Hg.) Speaking Animals in Ancient Literature, Buchreihe Kalliope. Studien zur griechischen und lateinischen Poesie, 20. Band, WinterVerlag, Heidelberg, pp. 401-425
    2. 2020 “La forme animale : maigreur des bêtes et norme esthétique en Grèce ancienne”, dans E. Galbois et S. Rougier-Blanc (éds.), Maigreur et minceur dans les sociétés anciennes. Grèce, Orient, Rome, Ausonius, coll. Scripta Antiqua n. 132, Bordeaux, pp. 95-112.
    3. 2019  “Le ‘tête-de-chien’ (κυνοκέφαλος) des Grecs : l’Égypte au prisme des animaux”, dans S. Porcier – S. Ikram – S. Pasquali (éds.), Creatures of Earth, Water and Sky. Essays on Animals in Ancient Egypt and Nubia.Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Animals in Ancient Egypt – ISAAE 1 (01-04 juin 2016, Lyon), Leiden (Sidestone Press), 331-339.
    4. 2017 “Why avoid a monkey: The refusal of interaction in Galen’s epideixis”, dans Fögen, T. & Thomas E., Interactions between animals and humans in Graeco-Roman Antiquity, Berlin/Boston (De Gruyter), pp. 409-434.