Michael Sherwin


Avant de venir à l’Université de Fribourg, Prof. Sherwin enseignait au Graduate Theological Union à Berkeley en Californie où il a reçu sa formation initiale comme dominicain et était ordonné prêtre en 1991. Originaire de San Francisco, le P. Sherwin poursuit de recherche dans le domaine de la psychologie de l’amour, l’éthique de la vertu et du développement moral. A la suite du P. Servais Pinckaers, o.p., il essaie de lire saint Thomas d’Aquin à la lumière de ses sources patristiques et bibliques. En sa qualité de directeur de l’Institut saint Thomas d’Aquin pour la théologie et la culture, il essaie aussi de promouvoir de projets transversaux de recherche et d’enseignement en théologie et de coordonner la présence des chercheurs visitant (fellows, doctorant boursiers) à la faculté.

Recherche et publications



    On Love and Virtue: Theological Essays.  Steubenville, Ohio: Emmaus Academic, 2018.

    By Knowledge and By Love, Charity and Knowledge in the Moral Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas.  Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2005.  Paperback edition, 2011.


    “Love in Thomas Aquinas’ Biblical Commentaries: A Sketch.”  In Towards a Biblical Thomism: Thomas Aquinas and the Renewal of Biblical Theology.  Edited by Jörgen Vijgen and Piotr Roszak.  Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 2018, 137-151.

    “Fire Grows in Water: Thomas Aquinas’ Interpretation of Virtue in the Scriptures.” In The Virtuous Life, Thomas Aquinas on the Theological Nature of Moral Virtues. Edited by Harm Goris and Henk Schoot.  Leuven: Peeters, 2017, 245-259.

    “Augustine and Aquinas on Charity’s Desire.”  In Faith, Hope and Love: Thomas Aquinas on living by the theological virtues.  Edited by Harm Goris, Lambert Hendriks and Henk Schoot.  Leuven: Peeters, 2015, 177-198.

    “Il battesimo e la fede di Abramo.”  In La rivelazione dell'amore e la risposta della libertà: Il profilo di un'etica della fede (DV 5).  Edited by Juan José Pérez-Soba and Pawel Galuszka.  Siena: Cantagalli, 2014.

    “La méthode missionnaire de Bartolomé de Las Casas et la nouvelle évangélisation.”  In «Ces gens ne sont-ils pas des hommes?» – Evangile et prophétie.  Edited by Mariano Delgado.  Fribourg: Academic Press Fribourg, 2013, 132-137.

    “The Return to Virtue: Challenges and Opportunities.”  In Dominicans and the Challenge of Thomism.  Edited by Michał Paluch and Piotr Lichacz.  Warsaw: Instiytut Tomistyczny, 2012, 183-202.

    “Le bonheur et ses malaises.”  In Renouveler toutes choses en Christ : Vers un renouveau thomiste de la théologie morale.  Hommage à Servis Pinckaers, o.p.  Edited by Michael S. Sherwin, o.p. and Craig Steven Titus.  Fribourg: Academic Press Fribourg, 2009, 34-56.

    “Aquinas, Augustine and the Medieval Scholastic Crisis concerning Charity.”  In Aquinas the Augustinian.  Edited by Michael Dauphinais, Barry David, and Matthew Levering.  Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2007, 181-204.

    “Les vertus morales infuses: une tradition en quête de renouveau.”  In Sujet moral et communauté.  Edited by Denis Müller, Michael Sherwin, Nathalie Maillard, and Craig Steven Titus.  Fribourg: Academic Press Fribourg, 2007, 196-211.

    “Christ the Teacher in St. Thomas’s Commentary on the Gospel of John.”  In Reading John with St. Thomas Aquinas.  Edited by Matthew Levering and Michael Dauphinais.  Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2005, 173-193.

    “The Third Millennium and the Philosophical Life, Or, ‘Celsus, Don’t Despair.’”  In Faith and Reason: The Notre Dame Symposium 1999.  Edited by Timothy L. Smith.  Introduction by Ralph McInerny.  South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine’s Press, 2001, 245-257.  Polish translation: “Celsusie, Nie Rozpaczaj: Trzecie Tysiaclecie a Zycie Filozoficzne.” W Drodze 11 (2000): 57-64.


    “On Love and War: Reflections on the Abuse of Technical Rationality.”  Nova et Vetera (English language edition) 16 (2018): 259-274.

    “Freedom and the Fearful Symmetry: Theological Reflections on Freedom’s Relationship to Truth.” Nova et Vetera (English language edition) 15 (2017): 1085-1100.

    “Painted Ladies and the Witch of Endor: Response to John O’Callaghan’s ‘Can We Demonstrate that God Exists?’”  Nova et Vetera (English language edition) 14 (2016): 645-652.

    “If Love It Is: Chaucer, Aquinas and Love’s Fidelity.”  New Blackfriars 94 (2013): 456-474.  Czech translation: “Je-li to láska: Chaucer, Tomáš Akvinský a věrnost lásky.”  Salve: Revue pro teologii a duchovní život 25 (2015): 83-102.

    “Virtue as Creative Freedom and Emotional Wisdom.”  Edification: The Transdisciplinary Journal of the Society for Christian Psychology 6 (2012): 32-35.

    “Happiness and Its Discontents.” Logos 13 (2010): 35-59.

    “Infused Virtue and the Effects of Acquired Vice: A Test Case for the Thomistic Theory of Infused Cardinal Virtues.”  Thomist 73 (2009): 29-52.

    “Reflections on Deus Caritas est: A Tour through the Casbah.”  Nova et Vetera (English language edition) 5 (2007): 375-402.

    “In What Straits They Suffered.  St. Thomas’ Use of Aristotle to Transform Augustine’s Critique of Earthly Happiness.”  Nova et Vetera (English language edition) 3 (2005): 395-408.

    “John Paul’s theology of Freedom and Truth: A Dissident Phenomenology in a Thomistic Anthropology.”  Nova et Vetera (English language edition) 3 (2005): 543-568.  Reprinted in John Paul II and St. Thomas Aquinas.  Edited by Michael Dauphinais and Matthew Levering.  Sapientia Press: Naples, Florida, 2006: 115-140.  Published in an abridged French translation: “Une anthropologie dissidente dans une théologie johannique: la vérité et la liberté dans la pensée de Jean-Paul II.”  In Car c’est de l’homme qu’il s’agit. Edited by Paul H. Dembinski, Nicolas Buttet, Ernesto Rossi di Montelera.  Paris: Parole et Silence, 2007.

    “Friends at the Table of the Lord: Friendship with God and the Transformation of Patronage in the Thought of John Chrysostom.”  New Blackfriars 85 (2004): 387-398.

    “Four Challenges for Moral Theology in the New Century.”  Logos 6 (2003): 1-26.

    “Saint Thomas, Helen Keller, et la Rationalité de l’Amour.”  Nova et Vetera 77 (2002): 21-32.

    “‘The Friend of the Bridegroom Stands and Listens.’  An Analysis of the Term Amicus Sponsi in Augustine’s Account of Divine Friendship and the Ministry of Bishops.”  Augustinianum 38 (1998): 197-214.

    “St. Thomas and the Common Good: The Theological Perspective: an Invitation to Dialogue.”  Angelicum.  70 (1993): 307-328.


    “Au matin de Pâques: Marie Madeleine et le Bien-aimé.”  Sources. vol. 39, n. 2 (2013): 41-45.

    “Canticles.” Liner notes for the Pacific Mozart Ensemble’s Dave Brubeck: Sacred Choral Works: Songs of Praise.  Audio CD (Dorian Recordings, 2010).

    “Eulogie pour le P. Servais Pinckaers, o.p.” Nova et Vetera 84 (2009): 133-136.

    “Jesus as the Garden Dweller.”  Homiletic and Pastoral Review (April 2008): 50-53.

    “Christian Courage.”  Homiletic and Pastoral Review 107 (July 2007): 52-55.

    “Le courage chrétien: Ossements desséchés et corps ressuscités.”  Sources. Vol. 33, n. 4 (2006): 187-192.

    “Edith Stein, a martyr for truth and love.”  Homily preached at the Dominican General Chapter, Krakow, Poland.  In Carmelite Digest 20 (Summer 2005): 8-11.

    “Reconciling Old Lovers: John Paul on Science and Faith.” Catholic Dossier.  Vol. 2, N. 4 (July-August 1996): 20-25.  Reprinted in The Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 17 (2005): 173-183.

    “Jazz goes back to church: Dave Brubeck’s religious music.”  America Magazine 189 (August 4-11, 2003): 12-15.  Published in an expanded French language version as, “Le Jazz retourne à l’église: la music religieuse de Dave Brubeck.”  Pierre d’Angle 9 (2003): 105-112.

    “Passchendaeles of the Mind.”  In Faith and Reason: The Notre Dame Symposium 1999.  Edited by Timothy L. Smith.  South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine’s Press, 2001, 1-3.

    “Raïssa Maritain: Philosopher, Poet, Mystic.”  Catholic Dossier. Vol. 5, N. 4 (July-August 1999): 23-29.

    “Science and Religion Can Co-exist.” Catholic Dossier.  Vol. 1, N. 2 (July-August 1995): 29-30. 


    Maritain, Raïssa.  We Have Been Friends Together and Adventures in Grace.  Translated by Julie Kernan.  Edited by Michael S. Sherwin, o.p.  Introduction by Anne Carson Daly.  Saint Augustine’s Press, 2016.

    Renouveler toutes choses en Christ : Vers un renouveau thomiste de la théologie morale.  Hommage à Servais Pinckaers, o.p.  Edited by Michael S. Sherwin, o.p. et Craig Steven Titus.  Fribourg: Academic Press Fribourg, 2009.

    Sujet moral et communauté. Edited by Dennis Müller, Michael Sherwin, Nathalie Maillard-Romagnoli and Craig Steven Titus.  Fribourg: Academic Press Fribourg, 2008.