
The UniFR_ESH Institute is steered by the institute council. It is managed under the direction of the chair in environmental humanities. The research group in environmental humanities coordinates all research on questions of sustainability at the University of Fribourg and it is responsible for the education at all levels in environmental sciences and humanities. 

UniFR_ESH Institute Council

The institute council consists of the director of the institute (Ivo Wallimann-Helmer) as well as five professors, who represent the five faculties. The presidency of the institute is currently held by Cathryn Magno and the vice-presidency by Berno Büchel. The academic staff and the students are represented by one person each. 


The institute council meets once a semester. Its tasks and competences include

  • the smooth running of the institute
  • taking the strategic decisions of the institute (on advice of the director)
  • supporting the director in finding financial support for the institute
  • granting the budgetary plans as well as cooperation contracts with other institutes
  • electing the president of the institute council
  • proposing the study programs


Current Members

Simon Kräuchi

Diploma Assistant / Assistant paid with third-party funding

See profile

Jasmin Konrad

Student representative
