Research Group Emerging Markets


Emerging Markets are a field within International Business that has received increased interest in the last decade. Starting with the BRIC countries and their strong growth over many years, followed by many other groups of countries that have emerged and demonstrated growth, these countries have become more and more important as markets, as elements in global value chains but also as origins of new multinational corporations. However, the last years have also seen turbulences in many of these markets, showing the high volatility, and many Western companies find it difficult to conduct business in these unfamiliar contexts.


With the support of Sika AG, a world-market leader in speciality and construction chemicals that is very present in emerging markets, the Department of Management at the University Fribourg has intensified research and teaching on the particularities of emerging markets to raise awareness and knowledge among their students and the public.
The partnership with Sika was initiated in 2014 by Prof. Rudolf Grünig, Chair of Mangement, and Prof. Dirk Morschett, Chair for International Management.


The “Sika-endowed Research Group Emerging Markets”, lead by Prof. Dirk Morschett, is offering courses, carries out research and organizes conferences on emerging markets to which students and the public are invited.