Religion is hopePublished on 07.02.2020

A risen Church. Study trip of the doctoral programme DE CIVITATE HOMINIS to Albania

"Albania - A Risen Church". Under this title a study trip of the doctoral programme DE CIVITATE HOMINIS to Albania took place from 1 to 5 February 2020. The focus was on the encounter with the missionary initiatives which led to a "resurrection" of the Church from the total annihilation under the communist regime.

Report about the study trip in German (Barbara Hallensleben) ...

Report about the study trip in French (Stefan Constantinescu) ...

The group with the Catholic archbishop Mons. George Frendo o.p. on the day of arrival.

See more photos of the study trip ...

The Orthodox Church in Albania - Impressions 1 ...

The Orthodox Church in Albania - Impressions 2 ...

Invitation to the bestowal of the Klaus Hemmerle Prize to S.E. Archbishop Anastasios (14th February 2020) ...

Documentation of the award ceremony for Archbishop Anastasios ...