Cellular immunology: theory and practice

  • Enseignement


    Faculté Faculté des sciences et de médecine
    Domaine Sciences médicales
    Code UE-SME.07201
    Langues Anglais
    Type d'enseignement Cours
    Travail pratique
    Cursus Master
    Semestre(s) SA-2019

    Horaires et salles

    Struct. des horaires Blocs of 3h
    Heures de contact 28


    • Walch Michael
    • Filgueira Luis
    • Lannes Nils
    • Mantel Pierre-Yves
    • Walch Michael
    Description The course Cellular Immunology is a balanced combination between theory and laboratory-based practical activities. The students will elaborate themselves the basic principles of immune cell types, cell characterization, cell activation and function. In parallel, laboratory protocols corresponding to the theoretical principals will be applied under the instruction and supervision of experienced researchers. There will be emphasis on experimental design, leading to performing corresponding experiments by the students. The students will collect individual results for each experiment, to be used for statistical analysis and discussion.
    Objectifs de formation 1. Elaborating the theories of the principals of
    a. Immune stem cells, cell types and cell differentiation
    b. Cell proliferation, cell cycle, cell aging and cell death
    c. Dedifferentiation and immortalization of cells
    d. Cell characterization
    e. Immune cell activation
    2. Acquiring the practical laboratory skills of
    a. Isolation of cells
    b. Cell culture
    c. Measuring cell viability, cell proliferation and cell aging
    d. Characterizing cells according to surface and intracellular markers
    e. Measuring immune cell activation
    f. Measuring expression and secretion of soluble mediators (e.g. cytokines)
    3. Improving skills of oral and written communication
    a. Literature research and short presentation of given topic
    b. Laboratory report
    Softskills Non
    Hors domaine Non
    BeNeFri Oui
    Mobilité Oui
    UniPop Non
  • Modalités d'évaluation

    Travail écrit

    Mode d'évaluation Par réussi/échec
    Description Passed or failed based on continuous assessment
  • Affiliation
    Valable pour les plans d'études suivants:
    Complément au doctorat [PRE-DOC]
    Version: 2020_1/v_01
    Complément au doctorat ( Faculté des sciences et de médecine) > UE de spécialisation sciences biomédicales (niveau master)

    Enseignement complémentaire en sciences
    Version: ens_compl_sciences
    Paquet indépendant des branches > UE de spécialisation sciences biomédicales (niveau master)

    Sciences médicales [3e cycle]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Formation continue > UE de spécialisation sciences biomédicales (niveau master)

    Sciences médicales [POST-DOC]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Formation continue > UE de spécialisation sciences biomédicales (niveau master)

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    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    sp-MSc-EBR, option Dégénération et régénération des tissus, cours et séminaires (dès SA2022) > sp-MSc-EBR, option Dégénération et régénération des tissus, UE obligatoires (dès SA2022)

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    sp-MSc-EBR, option Infection, inflammation et cancer, cours et séminaires (dès SA2022) > sp-MSc-EBR, option Infection, inflammation et cancer, UE obligatoires (dès SA2022)