Elective Courses

The elective courses, which are open to students from both the Bachelor and Masters levels, touch various themes in Fundamental Moral Theology (moral development, the psychology of love and of action, friendship with God, theories of virtue). 

La grâce divine et la liberté humaine (Lecture critique de textes)

MASTER, BACHELOR | SA-2023 | UE-TTH.01138 | 3 ECTS

Théologie morale et éthique. La grâce divine et la liberté humaine (Lecture critique de textes). Cours complémentaire
We 17:15 - 19:00, every week, MIS 04 - 4126
Teacher: Prof. Luc-Thomas Somme o.p.


"Without me you can do nothing," says Jesus in Jn 15:5, which would seem to definitively destroy any temptation to Pelagianism. But doesn't the anti-pelagian by excellence, Saint Augustine, declare that he who created us without us will not save us without us? If all is grace, is there any room left for freedom? Pelagius, Augustine, the Councils of Carthage, Orange and Trent, Thomas Aquinas, Calvin, Baius and Jansenius, Banez and Molina, and even Garrigou-Lagrange, Journet and de Lubac, have all examined this difficult relationship between divine grace and human freedom. A critical reading of the authors will endeavour to pay tribute to their efforts, not without pointing out their limitations, and to shed light on the proportionality between the fulfilment of freedom and the fullness of grace, in the light of creative love and the mystery of the Incarnate Word.