New approaches in human geography

  • Enseignement


    Faculté Faculté des sciences et de médecine
    Domaine Géographie
    Code UE-SGG.00471
    Langues Anglais
    Type d'enseignement Cours
    Cursus Master
    Semestre(s) SP-2021

    Horaires et salles

    Horaire résumé Mercredi 13:15 - 15:00, Hebdomadaire (Semestre de printemps)
    Struct. des horaires 2 h par semaine durant 14 semaines
    Heures de contact 28


    • Bluwstein Jevgeniy
    • Bluwstein Jevgeniy

    This seminar builds on three elements: theoretical debates, academic writing and peer-reviewing. Each student will spend the semester writing an essay on a theme of her/his choice. Students will also have the opportunity to peer-review each other's essays and integrate feedback and comments into their writing. The goal of the seminar is to practice writing, analytical skills, peer-reviewing, and giving and integrating critical-constructive feedback.

    Each student chooses a theme that has to speak to new approaches in human geography, such as, but not limited to, the following examples: Decolonization and coloniality; Governmentality and biopower; Feminist geography; Animal/more-than-human geography; Socio-ecological transitions; Capitalism and socioecological fix; Global supply chains, power and justice; Financialization.

    Each student chooses a theme from above or suggests an alternative which is closer to her ongoing or planned MSc thesis project. The essay should build on a state-of-the-art bibliography to introduce key theoretical debates, put main debate protagonists and positions (across different epistemes, historical periods or geographical contexts) in conversations with each other, highlight how the student's MSc project intends to draw on these debates and engage with them, and suggest research problems and questions with relevance to the MSc project.

    Through peer-reviewing, each student gets the opportunity to learn about other themes in human geography. Since we do not have a shared set of literature that everyone will have to read, the challenge for essay authors will be to express themselves as clear as possible assuming that they are the only ones familiar with the underlying literature. The challenge for peer-reviewers will be to identify conceptual, analytical, or stylistic issues with a text – even though they may be entirely unfamiliar with the underlying literature - and raise relevant questions to help the author to improve the text.

    !!!! for the detailed weekly schedule of the seminar, please sign up to the course through moodle: SGG.00471 New Approaches in Human Geography [SP 21] (no password is needed)

    Objectifs de formation

    Critical reading and academic writing

    Logic, argumentation, critical reflection and communication.

    Synthesizing debates, identify key concepts, epistemological approaches and analytics

    Identifying and highlighting research problems and key questions

    Giving and receiving constructive and critical feedback

    Integrating feedback into writing


    - - - - Requirement for students from other Swiss universities - - - -

    The participation to the course and the registration for the exam are conditional to the enrollment as BENEFRI or guest students. At the beginning of the semester at latest :

    - Students from the universities of Bern and Neuchâtel (BENEFRI) are invited to follow the steps of the procedure described on in order to be identified as BENEFRI students.

    - Students from other Swiss universities are invited to follow the procedure described on in order to be enrolled as guest students.

    Below is some information concerning the registration to exams. Please be aware that registration to exams is mandatory and does not automatically happen if you are registered to a class:

    Softskills Oui
    Hors domaine Oui
    BeNeFri Oui
    Mobilité Oui
    UniPop Non
    Auditeur Oui
  • Dates et salles
    Date Heure Type d'enseignement Lieu
    24.02.2021 13:15 - 15:00 Cours
    03.03.2021 13:15 - 15:00 Cours
    10.03.2021 13:15 - 15:00 Cours
    17.03.2021 13:15 - 15:00 Cours
    24.03.2021 13:15 - 15:00 Cours
    31.03.2021 13:15 - 15:00 Cours
    14.04.2021 13:15 - 15:00 Cours
    21.04.2021 13:15 - 15:00 Cours
    28.04.2021 13:15 - 15:00 Cours
    05.05.2021 13:15 - 15:00 Cours
    12.05.2021 13:15 - 15:00 Cours
    19.05.2021 13:15 - 15:00 Cours
    26.05.2021 13:15 - 15:00 Cours
    02.06.2021 13:15 - 15:00 Cours
  • Modalités d'évaluation


    Mode d'évaluation Par note
    Description Project
  • Affiliation
    Valable pour les plans d'études suivants:
    Complément DEEM en géographie
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    Complément DEEM pour Geographie 60 ou +30 > Programmes 60 ou +30 > Complément au programme Géographie +30 > Complément DEEM pour Géographie +30 (dès SA2023)

    Complément au doctorat [PRE-DOC]
    Version: 2020_1/v_01
    Complément au doctorat ( Faculté des sciences et de médecine) > UE de spécialisation en Géographie (niveau master)

    Enseignement complémentaire en sciences
    Version: ens_compl_sciences
    Paquet indépendant des branches > UE de spécialisation en Géographie (niveau master)

    Géographie +30 [MA] 30
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    Branche complémentaire en géographie +30 (GEOG+30 pour 90 ECTS) > Géographie, branche complémentaire +30 [MA], orientation géographie humaine (dès SA2023)

    Géographie [3e cycle]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Formation continue > UE de spécialisation en Géographie (niveau master)

    Géographie [POST-DOC]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Formation continue > UE de spécialisation en Géographie (niveau master)

    Géosciences [3e cycle]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Formation continue > UE de spécialisation en Géographie (niveau master)

    Géosciences [POST-DOC]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Formation continue > UE de spécialisation en Géographie (niveau master)

    MSc-GG - Glaciologie et Géomorphologie dynamique [MA] 120
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    MSc en géographie, Glaciologie et géomorphologie dynamique, cours et séminaires à choix (dès SA2020) > MSc en géographie, UE de support pour l'option DGG (dès SA2018)

    MSc-GG - Nature, société et politique [MA] 120
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    MSc en géographie, Nature, Société et Politique, cours et séminaires obligatoires (dès SA2020) > MSc en géographie, module sciences sociales, UE obligatoires (dès SA2018)

    sp-MSc-GG - Glaciologie et Géomorphologie dynamique [MA] 120
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    sp. MSc en géographie, Glaciologie et géomorphologie dynamique, cours et séminaires à choix (dès SA2020) > MSc en géographie, UE de support pour l'option DGG (dès SA2018)

    sp-MSc-GG - Nature, société et politique [MA] 120
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    sp. MSc en géographie, Nature, Société et Politique, cours et séminaires obligatoires (dès SA2020) > MSc en géographie, module sciences sociales, UE obligatoires (dès SA2018)